"The winner ground the competition to dust ..."
1. Tim Staggs
2. Paul Harter
3. Henry Seiradski
4. David Clark
5. Trey Taylor
"On time again ... Wins ..."
1. Jason Vogel
2. David Clark
3. Rich Gove
4. Shirley Stawsky
5. Jerry Jones
"An old timer wins..."
1. Walter Kessler
2. Shirley Stawsky
3. David Clark
4. James Harter
5. Glen Simmons
"A long time veteran engineered a win"
1. Mark Spence
2. Terrance York
3. Chris Newton
4. Tim Staggs
5. Randy Suchon
"First Time Player First Win"
1. Trey Taylor
2. Ron Prince
3. David Clark
4. Randy Suchon
5. Andy Lozano
"Another Win Notched"
1. Rich Gove
2. Flint Steeples
3. James Manahl
4. Walter Kessler
5. Cathy Batson
1. Mitch Medigovich
2. Zach West
3. Mark Spence
4. Tim Staggs
5. Brandon West
"Just Like That"
1. Tim Staggs
2. Jason Vogel
3. Robert Oncken
4. Madeline Santa
5. Tom Oswald
No Game December 2024
January 2025 Results
February 2025 Results
March 2025 Results
TOC Results (April)
Season 17 It Could Be You
Season 16 Rich Gove
Season 15 Jason Vogel
Season 14 Rich Gove
Season 13 Ruben Lombrana
Season 12 Lupe Castillo
Season 11 Jason Vogel
Season 10 Mike Danford
Season 09 Darian Horn
Season 08 Teri Rostron
Season 07 Teri Rostron
Season 06 Kevin Brown
Season 05 Collin Henderson
Season 04 Collin Henderson
Season 03 Dave Rostron
Season 02 Rick Lee
Season 01 Rick Lee